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While you’re watching out for what happens inside the elliptic formation, watch out for this:
Yoda (42) is still pondering the secret between Mace Windu (3) and Ki Adi Mundi (2) when he looks around and finds something terrific. Something Kepler discovered around Yoda’s birth some 350 years ago, and specified adequately in his second law: a line segment joining a Jedi and Yoda sweeps out equal areas during equal intervals of time. Which means power and strength within a Jedi-Jedi-Yoda triangulum in this elliptic scenario remain the same: e.g. Windu (3) – Ki Adi Mundi (2) – Yoda (42) and L. Skywalker (48) – O W Kenobi (10) – Yoda (42). Let’s see if the power is strong enough when playing against the Sith Lords. May the force be with you, Master Yoda.